Storm over The Arab world :
Fisher, Eugene M.
Storm over The Arab world : a people in revolution/ Eugene M. Fisher and M.Cherif Bassiouni; with foreword by Arnold Toynbee - Chicago: Follett Publishing Comany, 1972. - xii, 429 p.
Arabic history./Jews./Mandate./Zionism./World War II 1939-1945./Palestine refugees./Suez Canal./Suez war 1956./Colonialism./Revolutions./Reign of Al-Habib Bourgaiba 1957-1988./Reign of King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud 1926-1953./Arab-Israeli war 1967./Reign of Jamal Abdul Nasser 1954-1970./Reign of Anwar Al-Sadat 1971-1981./Reign of King Abdullah 1921-1951./Reign of king Husain 1952-1999/Petroleum./Arab countries./USA./United Kingdom/
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